Stay-at-Home Parenting and SSDI
What are the rules on disability benefits for stay-at-home parents? The answer depends on what other work history you might have.
SSDI and Work Credits
Social security disability insurance (SSDI) is an insurance policy set up by the federal government.
In order to take part in the policy, you pay into it just like any insurance. For employees whose employer takes out their taxes for them, it happens automatically. For self-employed workers, you pay when you file your quarterly taxes.
In return, injured or disabled workers can apply for disability insurance. Most people hope never to make that application, but in dire times it can cover some of your lost wages.
To qualify for SSDI, you typically need 40 credits, which equals 10 years. And 20 of those credits must have been earned within the last 10 years.
Stay-at-Home Parenting and SSDI Exceptions
Stay-at-home parents typically don’t receive pay for their work, which means they don’t receive work history credits toward Social Security Disability. But there are many exceptions to this rule, mostly because we don’t have a clear definition of what it means for a parent to “stay at home.”
Some women and men work from home and take care of the family needs at the same time. They could potentially receive work credits, if they pay toward their Social Security.
And some parents have worked for years in the workforce before becoming stay-at-home parents, with plans to return in a few years. In that case, those parents would pay into the SSDI system for a good part of their adult lives and might qualify for benefits if needed.
A Memphis SSDI Attorney to Help with Your Application
If you aren’t sure whether you qualify for SSDI, there’s no need to go it alone. Disability benefits for stay-at-home parents can be complicated, and the majority of ALL applications get denied on the first try.
So if you’ve applied and been denied, don’t just stop there. You need to speak with an attorney.
Our Memphis SSDI attorneys help you with the appeal process. We take your work history and personal situation into account and help you prepare a strong appeal. And we don’t get paid anything unless you do. So as you consider applying, you have nothing to lose by speaking with a lawyer first.
Contact us at 901-327-1212 today to talk with someone about your situation. The conversation is completely free.