If you are struggling with debts you can’t pay and are contemplating bankruptcy, it might help to remember you are not alone. Economies all over the world face instability.
Consider Kodak. They’ve declared bankruptcy and on Wednesday had to remove their name from the theater used for the Academy Awards just 10 days before the Oscars.
American Airlines, NBA star Allen Iverson, and entire countries like Greece all have debts they can’t pay.
Fortunately most Memphis consumers deciding whether to file bankruptcy don’t have to worry about the rioting in the streets or what the Academy Awards viewers will think. In fact, bankruptcy no longer has such a shameful reputation. It happens every day to thousands of people and businesses all over the world for a variety of reasons.
With the recent financial crises in the United States and Europe, bankruptcy can even happen when you have been relatively cautious. Regardless of why you have gotten into debt, if you find yourself unable to pay for it and would like help, you should call a liquidation lawyer Memphis, TN families turn to.
Contact us today to speak with an attorney for free about what a bankruptcy can do for you and what it might mean for your credit, assets, and financial future. We would be glad to answer any questions you have.