motorcycle accident Memphis attorneyIntersections Known for Memphis Motorcycle Accidents

There are a few infamous locations known for motorcycle accidents in Memphis.

While lane-changes on the highway, impaired driving, and other factors lead to crashes as well, some places in town tend to be higher risk for a few different reasons. Our Memphis motorcycle accident lawyers have seen a number of dangerous scenarios take place in these specific Memphis intersections. Here’s what you need to know.


High-Speed Memphis Intersections

According to WMC Action News 5, the most dangerous intersections in Memphis tend to center around I-240 and I-40:

  • Walnut Grove and I-240
  • Sycamore View and I-40
  • Lamar Avenue and I-240
  • Poplar Avenue and I-240
  • I-240 and I-55

Because they involve the interstate ramps, these exits have much faster speeds than other Memphis roads. They are also the busiest roads in town.

Walnut Grove at I-240 in particular attracts stunt drivers and speeders. Both the interstate and Walnut Grove above it have wide lanes that tempt reckless drivers.During the pandemic, police investigated drag racing and donuts at this intersection. But even in normal traffic conditions, the area invites accidents at breakneck speeds.

Dangerous Right Turns

Right turns pose a risk for any motorcycle. On some of the more crowded local streets, bikers may want to bypass traffic by snaking through lanes. However, car drivers often forget to check their blind spot before turning.

This dynamic leads to an uptick in motorcycle accidents on major Memphis commuter streets, including:

  • Poplar Avenue
  • Walnut Grove / Union Avenue
  • Park Avenue / Poplar Pike
  • Sam Cooper Boulevard
  • Southern Avenue
  • Summer Avenue

Because so many people take risks to cut down on their commute time, even in slow or bumper-to-bumper traffic, these streets pose a significant risk to motorcyclists.

darrell-castleMotorcycle Accident in Memphis? What to Do

If you’re in a motorcycle accident in Memphis, you need an attorney who will fight for you every step of the way. You should look for someone who knows and understands the local landscape and courts, has a reputation for client satisfaction, and treats your case with the importance it deserves.

Sometimes the biggest firms treat accidents like an assembly line. For them, your case doesn’t matter any more or less than the next one, and they don’t necessarily care if you win the full amount you deserve. They just assign you to someone and throw your file into a stack.

To avoid that, look for an experienced, medium-sized firm that wants your case and will give it the attention it needs.

That’s where we come in. Our attorneys have helped hundreds of people recover after accidents, including severe motorcycle accidents on I-40. We know and understand what you’re up against, and we won’t stop fighting for you to get the compensation you need and deserve.

Don’t wait to get started. Contact us today at 901-327-2100 or just use the form below.

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