By: Darrell Castle

Every afternoon at the Castle household, my wife and I partake in “James Hour.” This “James Hour” (typically longer than an hour) is a time of fellowship with friends and family while indulging in some cheese, sausage and drinks. Great conversations always arise from this time, and I want to share some of the conversation with you. That’s why you can expect a weekly “James Hour Conversation” post in which I discuss some hot-button issues in the community and nation. Please take this opportunity to comment back your thoughts on the discussions.


iPhone 6 draws long lines

The iPhone 6 released recently, and with the release came pictures of long (like really really long) lines throughout various cities as people waited to get their new phone.

It says our society is obsessed with consumerism, and consumer electronics more specifically.

The interesting thing is that these people could have pre-ordered the same phone and had it mailed to them at their home when it released rather than waiting in line outside. But, I guess it’s a status thing to be required (or not required) to wait in a long (and again, I mean really really long) line.

As a bankruptcy attorney, this doesn’t surprise me. It’s the same mentality that drives people to spend more and more money, putting them in more and more debt.

People just have to have the next new thing.

Derek Jeter – the end of an era

If you know me well enough then you know I’m a big Yankees fan. The Yankees were eliminated from the playoffs yesterday, making tonight Derek Jeter’s – the Captain’s – last game in Yankee stadium. Sunday is then Derek Jeter’s last game he’ll ever player, and it’ll be in Boston – enemy territory.

The tickets for tonight’s game – even the “bad” seats – are $2,000 from what I hear.

Jeter represents something for the Yankees, and really baseball in general. They’re no more superstars like him in baseball anymore.

Twenty years with the same team is great. He doesn’t have the numbers to be one of the Yankees immortals, but he is top 10 in almost every offensive category you want to mention and has been a great example of what an athlete should be. He’s been Mr. Yankee and Mr. Class for all of baseball. Even people who hate the Yankees appreciate that.

It’s sad for me because I’ve spent 20 years of my life watching him play for the Yankees – on TV and in person.

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