Catastrophic Injury Lawyer Memphis, TN

Catastrophic Injury Lawyer Memphis, TN

As a catastrophic injury lawyer in Memphis, TN knows, often, when a person becomes injured as a result of someone’s negligence, they think that the best thing to do in this situation is to file a personal injury claim. However, it is important to distinguish between a typical personal injury claim and a catastrophic injury claim. If you end up filing the wrong claim you could be leaving money on the table that is critical to helping you pay for recovery. With a catastrophic injury, you may not just be looking at a few years or months of bills. Instead, you could be looking at long-term payments for your treatment or even a lifetime of payments. If you are looking for help for your catastrophic injury claim, reach out to the lawyers at Darrell Castle & Associates, PLLC.  

What causes catastrophic injuries? 

Catastrophic injuries can occur in many different circumstances. You could get a catastrophic injury from a: 

  • Truck or car accident
  • Construction site accident
  • Pedestrian accident
  • Burn accident

Any of these situations could lead you to suffer from injuries that are long-term or are there for the rest of your life. When this is the case, you may quickly find that you are no longer able to enjoy the things you used to love doing.

Your Memphis, Tennessee catastrophic injury lawyer can tell you that the difference between a catastrophic injury and a typical personal injury claim will be the severity of the injuries you have suffered from. For example, if you are never able to return to work again, this is a huge indication of the severity of your injuries. Traumatic brain injuries and becoming paraplegic or quadriplegic are also strong indicators of the severity of the accident you were in. 

It is paramount that you and your attorney can distinguish between needing personal injury compensation and catastrophic injury compensation. Because treatment can last a lifetime, you may need ongoing compensation for your injuries. It is also possible to receive non-economic damages for your catastrophic injury. Your lawyer can argue that you are experiencing emotional pain from this injury as well as a loss of enjoyment of life or a loss of consortium. 

Types of catastrophic injuries with their causes

An injury is going to be classified as catastrophic when it happened suddenly without warning. These types of injuries leave the victims with life-changing impacts and long-term consequences, but most people would think of spinal cord injuries that involve paralysis as the main and most common type of catastrophic injury. There are many different types of catastrophic injuries and many different types of causes.

Many people think of paraplegia and quadriplegia as common catastrophic injuries but just the tip of the iceberg for being honest. Loss of sight or hearing is also considered to be catastrophic injuries, birth injuries can be catastrophic and leave a child with a lifelong disability. It is in catastrophic injuries nature to happen swiftly without warning, which means that one minute your life is fine and perfect and the next it’s upside down.

With everything changing when you are receiving a diagnosis of a catastrophic injury, it’s a great idea to know that your life is not over. People live every day with the kind of injuries that you can receive as catastrophic injury. And it might feel like your life is over but your catastrophic injury lawyer in Memphis Tennessee may be able to help you get compensation for your medical bills and for anything that you have to do to learn to live with your injury such as physical therapy.

Different types of catastrophic injuries, while this is not a full list, it is a good list that gives you an idea of what is considered catastrophic.

  • Birth injury
  • Amputation
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Loss of hearing or sight
  • Eye injury
  • Facial injury
  • Nerve damage
  • Paralysis
  • Rain injury
  • Neurological damage
  • Crush injury

There are a variety of causes for catastrophic injuries and they are more or less limited to your imagination. Frequently car accidents are found to be the cause of catastrophic injuries, especially collisions with semi-trucks or big rigs. Boating accidents are another common cause, backyard trampoline accidents, and workplace accidents.

However there are other things that can cause catastrophic injuries, and like every list we present to you, this one is not exhaustive.

  • Car accident
  • Trucking accident 
  • Pedestrian accident
  • Sports accident
  • On-the-job accident
  • Boating accident
  • Trampoline accident
  • Motorcycle accident
  • Fires and explosions
  • Defective products
  • Medical malpractice
  • Horseback riding accidents
  • Fall from height
  • Violent crime
  • Bicycle accidents
  • Jet ski accident

Injuries to the spinal cord are one of the most commonly seen types of catastrophic injury and this is because your spinal cord is not meant to take heavy weight or pressure that a fall or collision presents it with. Car accidents falls from heights and trampoline accidents can cause severe and catastrophic injury to the neck and spinal cord. Oftentimes these injuries are debilitating, leading to paraplegia, quadriplegia, or any variety of paralysis. In addition to the initial physical injury, victims of severe spinal and neck injuries also face a tremendous uphill battle which may leave them emotionally scarred. Victims of this type of catastrophic injury are going to require long-term medical care and physical therapy for most of their life.

Truck Accidents and Catastrophic Injuries

We depend on truck drivers to deliver the products, goods, and materials we use daily. Trucking companies know this and can end up putting pressure on truck drivers as a result. These drivers are often required to work long hours, making multiple trips unloading and loading heavy cargo. Without the proper rest, they run the risk of being overly tired or even falling asleep behind the wheel. Truck accidents due to drowsy driving are a common problem, and it is other motorists who often face the most severe consequences. Tragically, because of the weight and size of these massive vehicles, injuries suffered by victims in truck accidents are often severe and any legal action requires the help of a catastrophic injury lawyer in Memphis, TN.

Truck Drivers and Drowsy Driving

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) drowsy driving, in general, is a major problem in the United States. Working multiple or swing shifts, staying up late to study for exams, and meeting the demands of an active social life can all result in getting less sleep than your body needs. Unfortunately, this has a significant impact on your driving abilities. The CDC claims that while the dangers of falling asleep behind the wheel are obvious, even missing just one or two hours of sleep can have the following impacts:

  • Leave the driver with the inability to concentrate and increased driver distraction
  • Leave the driver with impaired judgment
  • Leave the driver with decreased vision
  • Leave the driver with slowed reflexes and response times in the event sudden actions are needed

A Memphis, TN catastrophic injury lawyer knows that due to the demanding nature of their jobs, truck drivers are at an increased risk for drowsy driving. Despite taking precautions, such as rolling down the window, listening to music to stay awake, or drinking lots of coffee, keeping up with tight schedules, and not taking the appropriate breaks makes truck accidents involving other vehicles are more likely to occur. Considering the heavy weight and bulk of most tractor-trailers and other big rigs, it is often other motor vehicle drivers who suffer the most serious injuries when accidents occur.

Trucking Companies Often Play a Role in Drowsy Driving Truck Accidents

While truck drivers can be held accountable for injuries suffered by others when drowsy driving-related truck accidents happen, the trucking company may face liability as well. There have been multiple cases around the country that revealed how truckers are routinely pushed by their employers to work long shifts without proper breaks or rest periods and that a number of serious truck accidents could be directly attributed to these practices.

While trucking companies are required to follow both state and federal regulations when it comes to the demands they place on their drivers, violations are common. Truckers claim they face undue pressure and are at risk of losing their jobs if they do not meet the trucking company’s demands.

Victims of truck accidents and their families should reach out to a Memphis, TN catastrophic injury lawyer to help them obtain the financial compensation they deserve from all liable parties to the crash.

What Defines a Catastrophic Injury?

Have you been involved in a serious accident? Whether you were involved in a workplace accident, motor vehicle accident, or physical assault, you need to see a doctor as quickly as possible. There is a chance that you may have suffered a catastrophic injury, but what exactly is a catastrophic injury? You should work with a catastrophic injury lawyer in Memphis TN, such as a lawyer from Darrell Castle and Associates, PLLC.

Permanent Disability

One possible definition of a catastrophic injury is that it leads to a permanent disability. Some serious injuries might lead to more than one permanent disability. For example, you may have been diagnosed with a spinal cord injury. Some spinal cord injuries can lead to permanent motor disabilities. You might have a difficult time using your legs, or you may have a difficult time using one or both arms. Keep in mind that permanent disabilities can also be mental. As an example, you may have suffered a traumatic brain injury that leads to permanent cognitive deficits. If you have been diagnosed with a serious injury, do not forget to reach out to a catastrophic injury lawyer in Memphis TN after seeking medical care. 

Permanent Disfigurement

A catastrophic injury could also lead to permanent disfigurement. For example, you might be involved in a motor vehicle accident or workplace incident that leads to severe burns. Second and third-degree burns can lead to large, permanent scars all over your body. If they occur on the face, they can cause permanent disfigurement that might also lead to mental health issues. For this reason, do not forget to seek medical care as quickly as possible following an incident. Then, reach out to an attorney who has experience dealing with catastrophic injuries. 

A Severe Change in Quality of Life

In the end, there are multiple definitions of a catastrophic injury; however, the one thing they all share in common is that they could cause a severe change in your overall quality of life. In many situations, this change is permanent. As a result, you need to work with a professional who will advocate for your rights. That is where a catastrophic injury lawyer in Memphis TN, such as a member of Darrell Castle and Associates, PLLC, can be beneficial. You do not need to face this situation alone. There are professionals who can always lend a helping hand to those in need. 

Common Questions about Catastrophic Injury Laws

Catastrophic injuries differ from other types of injuries in a few ways. Your catastrophic injury lawyer can help clarify the legal precedents so you can organize the most effective lawsuit.

What Is a Catastrophic Injury?

According to US law, a catastrophic injury differs from other bodily harm in that it has “direct and proximate consequences.” This specifically relates to the injured party’s ability to work. These injuries often involve damage to the brain or spinal cord, but they can also involve the loss of function in other critical body parts. All catastrophic injuries are considered long-term or permanent.

Are Deaths Considered Catastrophic Injuries?

Death can sometimes be the result of a catastrophic injury, but they are not the same thing. If your loved one experienced both a catastrophic injury and death, an additional suit of wrongful death can be added to your catastrophic injury case.

Can I Be Fired for Having a Catastrophic Injury?

If the injury was caused by work-related problems, specific laws exist to protect employees and ensure compensation, but employers are not obligated to help if you are injured outside of work. Since most employees in the United States are in at-will contracts, your employer likely reserves the right to discontinue employment at any time. Yet if you can prove discrimination, you may have access to recourse. 

What Compensation Can I Expect?

When your injury results not only in extensive medical bills but also loss of gainful employment, getting the compensation you deserve is even more important. Your catastrophic injury lawyer in Memphis TN works with you to total up the costs of your medical expenses, the wages you lose while in medical care, and lost future earning capacity. You might also receive compensation for pain and mental anguish. 

What Are Common Causes of Catastrophic Injury?

In addition to motor vehicle accidents and burns, some of the most common catastrophic injuries occur in preventable circumstances. Defective products, serious animal bites, falling, and wrongful arrest all result in hundreds of injuries each year, many of them serious or life-threatening. 

Who Is Liable in Catastrophic Injury Cases?

In many cases, it’s obvious who is responsible for an injury. In cases of motor vehicle crashes or faulty products, for example, it’s apparent that someone should have taken steps to prevent an accident and can therefore be held liable. However, sometimes the victim may share some responsibility. In these situations, compensation may be reduced, but if the injurer is not completely free of fault, they may still be liable and therefore responsible for some damages.

Are Catastrophic Injuries Always Accidents?

Most injuries are the result of accidents, but some are caused by negligence, and some are even willful. If you suspect malice or harmful disregard might be at play, it’s key to discuss this with your lawyer so the guilty party can be pressed to the fullest extent of the law.

Injury laws can be complex, but a catastrophic injury lawyer has the answers you need. When you’re dealing with all the stress of a long-term injury, having the right lawyer on your side allows you to focus on what’s most important.

 How Can a Catastrophic Injury Lawyer Help?

It’s impossible to describe how confused or frustrated individuals with catastrophic injuries and their family members often feel after an accident. You need to file a claim to look out for your best interests, but it’s not easy to know what to do or where to begin. At Darrell Castle and Associates, PLLC, we’re by your side to help when you need it most.

Common Questions about Catastrophic Injury Laws Infographic

Understanding Your Needs

First and foremost, your catastrophic injury lawyer in Memphis TN takes the time to understand the complete picture. Before you can decide what type of compensation to fight for, you need to carefully consider how the accident has changed your life and your family’s life.

Damages often go far beyond simple compensation for current medical costs; there are lost wages, lost employment, inability to work, chronic pain and suffering, and undetected injuries to think about. Your lawyer can help you identify your complete needs and then help you fight for the full compensation you deserve.

Gathering Evidence

Sadly, it’s not enough to show how the medical costs have affected your life. You also need evidence to prove the extent of the injury and show who was responsible. A catastrophic injury lawyer in Memphis TN can help with evidence for your case:

  • Medical records
  • Expert testimony
  • Eyewitness evidence
  • Police documents
  • Photographs, videos and security camera footage

Representing You

You shouldn’t have to deal with pushy insurance companies or aggressive corporations. Let your lawyer handle everything so you can focus on your emotional and physical wellbeing. At Darrell Castle and Associates, PLLC, we look out for your interests when negotiating on your behalf. Depending on your goals, a catastrophic injury lawyer in Memphis TN can work out a favorable settlement or fight for you in court.

What Qualities Should You Look for in a Catastrophic Injury Lawyer in Memphis, TN?

When you’re facing a catastrophic injury, you don’t want to pick just any lawyer. It’s important to choose an attorney you trust to handle your case with dedication, integrity and care.

Personal injury lawyers and catastrophic injury lawyers need to care deeply about their clients. This type of injury can completely change your life, and a good attorney goes the extra mile to fight for the best quality of life possible for you and your family.

Experience is essential as well. Choose a catastrophic injury lawyer in Memphis TN with a proven track record and extensive experience with catastrophic injuries specifically. Look for courtroom expertise.

Common Myths About Traumatic Brain Injuries

Traumatic brain injuries are one of the most common types of catastrophic injuries individuals suffer in accidents. However, these injuries are still widely misunderstood. Here are some myths about traumatic brain injuries that you should know about.

  • You have to hit your head to suffer a traumatic brain injury. This is one of the most common myths about traumatic brain injuries. The truth is that you do not actually have to hit your head against anything to suffer a brain injury. If you are in a car accident, for example, your head can jolt back and forth from impact, which can cause a serious brain injury.
  • Wearing a helmet prevents traumatic brain injuries. It is necessary to wear a helmet in certain situations, like when you are riding a motorcycle. However, it is important to understand that it will not always prevent brain injuries. A helmet may help you survive an accident, but you may still suffer a traumatic brain injury.
  • If you did not lose consciousness, you did not sustain a traumatic brain injury. Just because you did not pass out after an accident, does not mean you did not suffer a traumatic brain injury. As a catastrophic injury lawyer in Memphis, TN can confirm, some mild traumatic brain injuries don’t result in a loss of consciousness.
  • Only athletes sustain traumatic brain injuries. Certain athletes, like football players, may have a higher chance of suffering traumatic brain injuries. However, these injuries can happen to anyone. People can suffer traumatic brain injuries from car accidents, falls and violence.
  • Mild traumatic brain injuries are nothing to worry about. When the word “mild” is associated with a traumatic brain injury, some may assume that it is not a big deal. However, even mild brain injuries can have lasting consequences, like poor concentration, memory loss, mood swings and changes in speech. It is important to discuss the possible effects with your doctor and follow your treatment plan accordingly.
  • If you suffer a traumatic brain injury, you can’t work anymore. While some people who sustain traumatic brain injuries can’t go back to work, many others can. It depends on the severity of your injury and nature of your job. Your employer may also be willing to make accommodations to help you perform your job duties.

While any type of injuries that are the result of an accident can be expensive, catastrophic injuries can be extremely overwhelming financially to a victim and their family. Not only are there immediate and short-term expenses, such as medical bills and lost wages, but victims with catastrophic injuries often require long-term or life-long medical treatment. They are unable to work because of permanent disabilities. Tennessee law allows victims who have been injured in accidents caused by another party or parties to file a lawsuit against those liable parties for financial compensation for all the losses they have suffered. A catastrophic injury lawyer Memphis, TN residents recommend, from Darrell Castle & Associates, PLLC can help.

What are damages in a personal injury lawsuit?

Damages refer to the sum of money the victim will be awarded in a lawsuit, either through an agreed-upon settlement amount between the victim and the at-fault party (usually through their insurance company) or the amount a jury decides if the lawsuit goes to trial.

There are three types of damages a victim can receive: economic, non-economic, and punitive.

What are economic damages?

Economic damages include all those expenses that have a definitive dollar amount to them. One of the most common is medical expenses. Some of the medical expenses a Memphis TN catastrophic injury lawyer can seek on behalf of the victim include:

  • Ambulance transportation
  • Emergency room treatment
  • Hospital stays
  • All diagnostic testing
  • Surgeries
  • Diagnostic testing
  • Rehabilitation stays
  • Both prescription and non-prescription medication
  • Physical, occupational, and mental therapy fees
  • Costs of transportation for medical services
  • Costs of future medical treatments

In addition to medical expenses, a victim is also entitled to damages for loss of income. This also includes loss of future income and benefits if they are unable to work because they are now disabled.

What are non-economic damages?

Victims may also be awarded non-economic damages. Unlike economic damages, there is not definite dollar amount attached, but the only way to compensate the victim for the loss is financial. These types of damages include pain and suffering, mental anguish, scarring, disfigurement, permanent disability, and loss of quality of life.

What are punitive damages?

Punitive damages are not commonly awarded in a personal injury lawsuit, however, there are occasions where the jury will include them in their final decision. These damages are usually included when the actions of the at-fault party were especially egregious. These damages serve to punish the at-fault party and send a message to society that this behavior will not be tolerated. One common type of lawsuit where punitive damages are awarded are drunk driving accident cases because the at-fault driver committed a crime when they got behind the wheel of their vehicle drunk and should have known the risk they were putting other commuters in.

To learn more about the legal options that you may have, contact Darrell Castle & Associates, PLLC to schedule a free consultation with a Memphis TN catastrophic injury lawyer.

Can I Sue Multiple Parties?

If you’ve been injured in an accident, more than one person may be at fault. For example, suppose that your catastrophic injury is the result of medical malpractice. During an operation, multiple people, such as the surgeon, doctor’s assistant, and anesthesiologist, are present. One or all of them could share a percentage in what went wrong. Typically, what happens is that it’s too difficult for a medical specialist or investigator to pinpoint who did what so that every medical personnel is brought into the suit. In this case, you’re legally entitled to sue all for recovery.

Fault is divided amongst defendants based on their percentage of fault that the evidence shows in court. Let’s say your catastrophic injury is worth 1,000,000. If the surgeon is 60% at fault, then the surgeon must pay $600,000 of that recovery amount. If the assistant is 20% at fault, then the assistant must pay $200,000 of that recovery amount, and the anesthesiologist must pay the remaining $200,000.

In other personal injury cases, your recovery amount can be reduced if your negligence played a role in your injury, regardless of how severely you’ve been injured. For example, if you were texting and driving so that you didn’t avoid a speeding car that you would’ve been able to avoid had you been paying attention, you can expect a judge to say you share some fault. In such a case, you’d have to pay for some of your own medical bills according to whatever percentage of fault the court decided you share. To avoid a reduction, hire the best catastrophic injury lawyer Memphis TN has to offer.

How Do I Prove Negligence Occurred?

Most catastrophic injuries happen due to someone’s negligence. A person is negligent when that person didn’t take reasonable steps to avoid an injury that was reasonably foreseeable. For example, if two people are standing parallel to each other on opposite ends of the road, on the sidewalks, as they throw a football back and forth, it’s reasonably foreseeable that a car may get hit at some point. It’s also reasonably foreseeable that a football flying over a driver’s windshield may frighten the cause and result in a car crash.

But how do you prove negligence occurred? You must show that:

  • The defendant owed you a duty of care,
  • The defendant breached that duty,
  • This breach caused an accident, and
  • This accident caused you actual damages.

How Do I Prove An Intentional Tort Occurred?

Other catastrophic injuries are the result of intentional actions. Such a personal injury suit is known as an intentional tort. An intentional tort occurs when a person purposely did something with the intent to cause you harm. In this case, it doesn’t matter if the defendant desired a different type of harm to occur than what actually happened. All that matters is that the malicious desire was to injure you in some form or fashion. Thus, you can bring an intentional tort personal injury suit if you believed that the defendant harmed you on purpose.

Catastrophic Injury Lawyer In Memphis, TN

If you sustained a catastrophic injury, you may want to speak to a catastrophic injury lawyer in Memphis, TN. You may be entitled to compensation. Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about catastrophic injuries.

What Is a Catastrophic Injury?

A catastrophic injury is any injury that is considered very severe and requires extensive medical treatment. While not all catastrophic injuries are permanent, they take months or years to recover from. Common types of catastrophic injuries include severe burns, spinal cord injuries, loss of a limb and traumatic brain injuries.

What Are the Long-term Effects of Catastrophic Injuries?

Depending on the type of catastrophic injury you sustain, the effects can last a long time. People who suffer catastrophic injuries may have permanent disability, require assistive devices and accommodations, have trouble gaining employment or sustain permanent scarring or disfigurement.

Is a Catastrophic Injury Claim Different Than a Typical Personal Injury Claim?

Yes. Since a catastrophic injury is much more severe than a typical personal injury, there will be greater investigation required and it will take longer to settle. It may be difficult to assess your medical needs initially and your treatment plan may take longer to enact. The settlement amount offered should also be much greater when the injuries suffered are catastrophic. 

When Should I Consult a Lawyer?

As soon as possible. In Tennessee, the statute of limitations to file a catastrophic injury lawsuit is just one year. After that deadline has passed, you are no longer eligible to receive compensation. An experienced catastrophic injury lawyer in Memphis, TN can thoroughly assess your case and help you file a timely lawsuit.

Who Is Held Responsible for the Damages?

The person or party who caused the accident that resulted in your catastrophic injury may be held liable for your damages. For instance, if a negligent driver hit your vehicle and caused your catastrophic injury, he or she may be held responsible for your losses. 

How Much Is My Catastrophic Injury Case Worth?

The value of your catastrophic injury case will depend on multiple factors, such as the severity of your injury, medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering and loss of earning capacity. If the defendant showed blatant disregard for the safety of others, your case may be worth even more.

Here are answers to some of the most common ones:

What is a catastrophic injury?

Simply put, a catastrophic injury is any injury that has a life-changing impact on the victim. These injuries often result in permanent disabilities. They may also prevent the injured person from working for an extended period of time or make it impossible for them to work again.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defines these injuries as those that result in “death, disability, or long-term health complications.”

What is the Difference Between Personal Injury and Catastrophic Injury?

Personal injury is a legal term used to describe any physical or emotional injury that occurs because of another person’s negligence or carelessness. To successfully recover damages for personal injuries, an injured party must prove that the careless conduct of another caused their injury.

Catastrophic injuries, on the other hand, are those severe injuries that cause long-term impairment and disability. Some examples of catastrophic injuries include brain trauma, spinal cord injuries, and amputations. Because these types of injuries result in a lifetime of pain and suffering and expensive medical bills, they can be much more costly than a typical personal injury claim.

Catastrophic Personal Injury

Injuries that are classified as being catastrophic are those that generally demand more compensation than less serious personal injuries. Some injuries ultimately require a significant amount of time and resources to cover the cost of treatments. If compensation cannot be recovered, these expenses can drastically impact your financial future. Our goal is to recover compensation with the hope to make such expenses less impactful.

Examples of the medical implications of a catastrophic personal injury:

  • Long term care & disability accommodations
  • Physical disability
  • Cognitive disability
  • Disfigurement
  • Total loss of ability to earn a living
  • Decreased life-expectancy

Following a catastrophic injury, a victim will likely require intensive care in order to regain some degree of stability. This notion effectively translates to higher expenses than what would be required for less severe injuries. Our catastrophic Memphis, TN catastrophic injury lawyer has proven experience advocating for clients who have endured life-changing catastrophic injuries and are in need of relief.

Common Catastrophic Injuries

Examples of injuries that are likely to be classified as being catastrophic include but are not limited to the following:

  • Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
  • Paralysis
  • Amputation
  • Reproductive organ injury
  • Severe scarring, disfigurement of the face or head
  • Limb injuries that compromise ability to work

What should I do if I am injured in an accident?

If you have been the victim of an accident that has caused a catastrophic injury, your first step should be to contact a catastrophic injury lawyer in Memphis TN with experience handling these types of cases, who will advise you on the best course of action for pursuing compensation from those responsible for your injuries.

Why These 5 Injuries are Classified as Catastrophic

Injuries are not all the same —they come in all shapes and sizes but can be classified into two categories: catastrophic and non-catastrophic injuries according to our Memphis TN catastrophic injury lawyer who works with different injuries daily. Catastrophic injuries are more severe than non-catastrophic injuries and in order to get the compensation you deserve following such an injury, you will need the help of a lawyer.Take a look at some of the most common injuries that have been known to cause this type of injury, and then contact Darrell Castle & Associates for help.

1) Traumatic Brain Injuries

Many people are not aware of the severity and life-altering effects of traumatic brain injuries. TBIs can have a profound impact on someone’s cognitive functioning and quality of life, which is why it is important to seek out the help of a catastrophic injury lawyer if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with this type of injury. Traumatic brain injuries can be caused by any number of incidents; they might happen in car accidents, slip-and-falls, sports injuries, domestic violence assaults or workplace accidents.

2) Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injuries can be categorized as catastrophic because they often result in permanent paralysis. Spinal cord injuries can be caused by a variety of accidents such as slip and falls, car accidents, or motorcycle accidents. It is important to hire a Memphis catastrophic injury lawyer to help with the process of getting compensation for these injuries.

3) Burns

Burns happen when the skin is heated to a temperature in which heat injures the tissue. Burns can be classified into three different categories: First-degree burns, second-degree burns, and third degree burns. First-degree burns happen when only the outer layer of skin is burned. Second-degree burns will have blistering and usually involve the second layer of skin. Third degree burns will involve all layers of skin. Third-degree burns can be considered catastrophic depending on the situation. All burns need to be examined on a case by case basis.

4) Amputations

An amputation is an injury to a body part caused by some type of trauma, such as a car accident. This traumatic event can lead to permanent damage or loss of the limb. When you lose a limb due to an accident, it is classified as catastrophic — especially if you lost your limb due to negligence such as a drunk driver behind the wheel or due to a workplace accident where safety standards were not up to par.

5) Vision or Hearing Loss

Some injuries, such as vision and hearing loss, can have a profound impact on your life. For example, if you lose your hearing it may be difficult for you to communicate effectively with others; if you lose your sight it may be difficult for you to drive or read. If this happens to you, then the best thing to do is talk with a catastrophic injury lawyer about what your rights might be in this situation. If your hearing loss or vision loss is minimal, you still deserve compensation!

Contact a Memphis catastrophic injury lawyer at Darrell Castle & Associates for help.

Memphis Catastrophic Injury Statistics

According to statistics from The National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center, there are approximately 17,700 new spinal cord injuries each year, with motor vehicle accidents being the leading cause.

If you or a loved one has suffered a catastrophic injury in an accident caused by another party, call a Memphis catastrophic injury lawyer to find out what legal recourse you may have.



Catastrophic Injury Lawyer FAQs

How long do I have to file a lawsuit after my injury?

Each state has different laws regarding the statute of limitations for filing a personal injury claim. In most states, that window is two years from the date of the accident. Once that time has passed, it is generally too late to pursue legal action unless there are extenuating circumstances. Your catastrophic injury lawyer in Memphis TN can explain these laws to you in more detail and help ensure that your claim is filed before the statute of limitations expires.

How long does a catastrophic injury case take to resolve?

The timeline of a case depends on several factors, such as the type of case, number of parties involved, severity of injuries, and amount of evidence available. Other factors may complicate your case or cause issues, such as if the defense team does not want to cooperate. They may not be willing to arrive at an agreement. Every case is different, but generally clients can expect their case to be resolved within several months or up to a year. However, a lawyer will not be able to provide more information about an estimated timeline until they have gathered the essential evidence and basic information that they need. 


Who could be sued for a catastrophic injury?

If you have suffered an especially serious personal injury, you have a right to file a claim against the person responsible for causing your injury, as a Memphis, TN catastrophic injury lawyer can explain. You can sue the person responsible for causing the accident that led to your catastrophic injury. Catastrophic injuries typically happen because of a person’s reckless or careless actions. For example, a catastrophic injury can happen to a driver who was struck by a drunk driver. If you talk to a lawyer and they find evidence that the drunk driver caused the accident, you may be able to file a claim against them if you are able to submit your claim before the statute of limitations is up. 


Is a catastrophic injury the same as a personal injury?

While catastrophic injuries are similar to personal injuries, the major difference between them is that catastrophic injuries refer to a set of injuries that are much more severe. It is a severe injury that also results in long-term effects on the victim. The victim may end up with a temporary or permanent disability, often consisting of a long recovery period where they must go through rehabilitative services to regain their strength. Common types of catastrophic injuries include traumatic brain injuries and leg injuries. If you would like to know the full criteria consult with a Memphis catastrophic injury lawyer from Darrell Castle & Associates for full details. 


What kind of damages can a claimant receive?

You can be eligible to recover various economic and non-economic damages for your injuries. You will have to produce evidence such as medical records, bills, and income information so that your losses can be calculated accurately. Some of the damages that you can receive are for medical expenses, emotional distress, loss of earnings, loss of life enjoyment, and much more. Accident victims are recommended to consult with a lawyer and not attempt to calculate their damages on their own. There may be some damages left out, and mistakes can cause you to receive a lower compensation amount for your case.


When should I meet with a lawyer?

You should meet with a lawyer as soon as possible if you want to find out legal information for a catastrophic injury case. They will do a full case assessment and gather the facts of your case. You can count on a lawyer to do what is best to protect your legal rights as an accident victim, and assess legal strategies so that you can recover the compensation that you deserve. With a Memphis catastrophic injury lawyer advocating for you tirelessly, you can get the personalized legal services and support that you need so that you can get the case outcome that you deserve.

About Darrell Castle & Associates

After suffering a catastrophic or otherwise life-changing injury, you will benefit from the dedicated efforts of our experienced legal team. We care about your wellbeing and will demonstrate this by working tirelessly for you to achieve the most desirable outcome possible for your case. We are known for our compassion, hard work, and results.

Our firm has been awarded a 5-star rating on Avvo, an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau, and the Client Distinction Award from Martindale-Hubbell for client satisfaction. We empathize with each of our catastrophic injury clients and leverage our wealth of knowledge, skills, and experience to deliver results when they are needed most.

We’re here for you and for your case, and we show it every step of the way. There’s no reason today’s financial problems or physical pain should keep you from the life you’re meant to have tomorrow. We’re here to help you!

Catastrophic Injury Lawyer

If you sustained catastrophic injuries in an accident, consider consulting a catastrophic personal injury lawyer Memphis TN area injury victims and their families entrusted to deliver exceptional level legal service in the face of hardship. At Darrell Castle & Associates we have ample experience in representing those who have suffered serious injuries as a result of negligent behaviors of others. Our lawyers work tirelessly to assist injury victims and their families throughout the entire process of pursuing compensation that is essential for their recovery and wellbeing.

Why Should I Hire a Lawyer?

There are two primary reasons why you should consider hiring an experienced catastrophic injury lawyer in Memphis TN from Darrell Castle & Associates to handle your case. First, it will give you much better odds of winning your case and recovering maximum compensation. Second, it will save you a great deal of time and stress. We will handle all the legal work while you focus on recovery and rebuilding your life! Call today!

How Much Will Hiring a Lawyer Cost?

Understandably, one of the biggest concerns for most people who are considering hiring a lawyer is how much it will cost. The good news is that you don’t need to worry about that when you’re working with us. Why? Because our firm works on a contingency basis. This means we only get paid if we win your case. This allows us to help people who would otherwise not be able to afford an attorney to pursue justice and compensation for their injuries.

Get Help When You Need It Most

When you have been suffering from injuries from a catastrophic accident, it is important to get the compensation you deserve from the responsible party’s insurance company. If you are looking for help with this kind of claim, reach out to the trusted catastrophic injury lawyer in Memphis, Tennessee from Darrell Castle & Associates, PLLC.

Contact Us Today

Do you have a personal injury case? You can find out today. Contact us and an experienced Memphis, TN catastrophic injury lawyer will get in touch with you. We are readily available to answer any questions that you might have about your case and any of our legal services. Contact Darrell Castle & Associates today. No cost, no strings attached – just good legal advice.

Understanding Catastrophic Injury Laws In Tennessee

In the state of Tennessee, laws related to catastrophic injuries are designed to protect the rights and interests of those who have suffered severe and life-altering injuries due to the negligence or misconduct of others. These laws encompass a wide range of legal principles and regulations that address the unique challenges faced by individuals and their families in the aftermath of catastrophic accidents. In this article, we will explore the specific laws and regulations that pertain to catastrophic injuries in Tennessee, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of your legal rights in such unfortunate circumstances.

Tennessee Negligence Laws

Catastrophic injuries often result from accidents caused by another party’s negligence. Tennessee follows the doctrine of comparative negligence, which means that if you are partially at fault for the accident that led to your injury, your compensation may be reduced accordingly. It is crucial to understand how this legal principle can impact your case and the importance of seeking legal representation from a Memphis, TN catastrophic injury lawyer to navigate the complexities of personal injury claims in Tennessee.

Statute Of Limitations

In Tennessee, there is a statute of limitations that sets a specific time limit within which a catastrophic injury lawsuit must be filed. The statute of limitations for personal injury cases, including catastrophic injuries, is generally one year from the date of the accident. Failing to file your claim within this timeframe may result in the forfeiture of your right to seek compensation. Prompt action is essential, so consult with an experienced lawyer to ensure your case is filed within the required time frame.

Compensation For Catastrophic Injuries

Catastrophic injuries can lead to substantial medical bills, ongoing rehabilitation, lost wages, and long-term disability. In Tennessee, you may be entitled to compensation for:

  • Medical Expenses: This includes past, present, and future medical costs related to your catastrophic injury.
  • Lost Wages: If your injury prevents you from working, you may be eligible for compensation for lost income and potential future earnings.
  • Pain and Suffering: Compensation may also cover the physical and emotional pain and suffering you have endured due to your catastrophic injury.
  • Punitive Damages: In cases of extreme negligence or intentional misconduct, punitive damages may be awarded to punish the responsible party.

Understanding these compensation categories and how they apply to your case is essential to ensure you receive fair and just compensation for your injuries.

Catastrophic Injury Types

Catastrophic injuries encompass a wide range of conditions, including spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, amputations, and severe burns. Tennessee laws recognize the unique challenges and needs of individuals suffering from these life-altering injuries, which may require long-term care, specialized medical treatments, and adaptive equipment.

Seek Legal Representation

Navigating the legal complexities surrounding catastrophic injuries in Tennessee can be overwhelming, especially when dealing with the physical and emotional toll of such injuries. To protect your rights and pursue the compensation you deserve, it is crucial to consult with an experienced Memphis catastrophic injury lawyer. They can provide you with the guidance and support you need to build a strong case and advocate on your behalf.

Contact Us Today

In Tennessee, the laws related to catastrophic injuries are designed to provide recourse for individuals and their families who have suffered life-altering injuries due to the negligence of others. Understanding these laws and seeking legal representation are essential steps in the pursuit of fair compensation and justice. If you or a loved one has experienced a catastrophic injury, don’t hesitate to reach out to a qualified Memphis catastrophic injury lawyer from Darrell Castle & Associates to ensure your rights are protected. Your future well-being may depend on it.

If you need legal guidance and support for your catastrophic injury case, contact us today. Our experienced team is dedicated to helping individuals and families navigate the complexities of Tennessee’s catastrophic injury laws and pursue the compensation they deserve. Your path to recovery begins with us.

Darrell Castle & Associates, Memphis Catastrophic Injury Lawyer

5050 Poplar Ave., Suite 1600 Memphis, TN

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