What can happen when you don’t practice proper fireworks safety

By: Darrell Castle

Last Thursday, I wrote a blog post on fireworks safety leading up to Friday’s July 4th celebrations. In the post, I mentioned how dangerous fireworks can become when operated with a certain degree of negligence. A family in Ohio caught the wrath of such negligence.

A 4-month-old was in her playpen on the porch when a neighbor’s fireworks landed on her, leaving her critically injured. According to a witness, a 10-year-old neighbor kicked over a lit tubular firework which shot into the playpen, burning the 4-month-old girl.

The girl’s entire face is burned and the grandmother injured her fingers rescuing her.

A hospital spokeswoman said the baby’s condition wasn’t immediately available and police are currently investigating.

These are the kinds of tragic accidents that can happen when fireworks ARE NOT used with the UTMOST safety. They’re fun to operate and play with, but they can be disastrous and kids, like the 10-year-old boy in this story, shouldn’t be close to them.

If you’re injured by fireworks, seek medical attention above all else. Fireworks can cause minor injuries such as scratches and bruises, but they can also cause much more severe and permanent damage.

Then, if the fireworks accident wasn’t your fault, or you aren’t sure whose fault it was, speak to an experienced personal injury attorney. The right attorney will investigate the case detail by detail, find the liability and determine if and how much compensation can be rewarded for damages.

Our experienced Memphis personal injury attorneys at Darrell Castle & Associates have handled personal injury cases of all shapes and sizes and would love to speak with you if you’ve been injured. You can schedule a free consultation by calling our attorneys at (901) 327-1212 or by filling out one of the contact forms on this page.


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